Keep Your Dog Safe This Spring With These Five Tips

Spring is the time to get outside again with your dog. As spring starts up, it is essential to understand the unique health challenges that spring presents and know how to keep your dog safe.

1. Protect Against Flea and Ticks

Fleas and ticks tend to come out more frequently when the weather gets warmer. At the start of spring, you will want to start protecting your pet against fleas and ticks. Talk to your vet about the best type of flea and tick prevention for your pet.

2. Keep the Sticks Away

It is perfectly okay to take your pet to the park and play catch with them. What you shouldn't do is throw sticks with your dog. Sticks are serious choking hazards and can do some serious damage to your dog's mouth and throat if parts of the stick come off in your dog's mouth. So you are going to want to stick to safer toys, such as a tennis ball or Frisbee, that will not harm your dog when playing fetch.

3. Be Careful with Plants

Not all plants are safe for your dog. Dogs tend to eat grass, but you need to be careful with other plants. When adding plants to your yard, be sure to check and see if they are safe for your dog.

You should also be aware of what native plants in your area you need to keep your dog away from as well. Eating plants that don't agree with your dog can result in diarrhea, and some can be deadly.

4. Use Pet-Friendly Spring-Cleaning Products

In the springtime, many people like to deep clean their homes. As you clean your home this spring, make sure you are using pet-friendly cleaning products. Many traditional cleaning products have ingredients in them that are toxic to dogs, which is why you are going to want to carefully check the ingredient list and information on all cleaners you use.

If you do end up cleaning with something that isn't safe for your pet, keep your pet far away while cleaning, and thoroughly wipe down the area to ensure the cleaner has been removed.

5. Be Aware of Seasonal Allergies

Dogs can be developed seasonal allergies just like people. Lots of dogs have allergies to ragweeds. If your dog has allergies, you will notice a skin rash on your dog. If you see a skin rash, you are to want to take your dog to the vet to get tested for allergies. If your dog ends up having allergies, you can get allergy medication for your dog and work to keep them away from allergy triggers.

This spring, protect your dog against fleas and ticks. Be aware of the risk of seasonal allergies. Become aware of any native plants that could harm your dog and keep them away from them. As you go through spring cleaning, be sure to use pet-friendly cleaning products.

For more information, reach out to your local veterinarian.
