Dog Pawing At Its Mouth a Lot? What It May Be

If your dog is pawing at its mouth a lot more than usual, or is attempting to rub its face on the ground a lot, or is even missing fur around its muzzle from so much rubbing, it could be a few different issues. Your dog may also not be eating or drinking much, which could also be a sign to watch out for. These things can all be caused by an oral health issue. Your dog may have an issue with its tooth or a few of its teeth, or even its gums. Your dog's teeth and gums need to be taken care of, just as you would your own teeth. If you don't take care of their teeth, they can also end up with gum disease or tooth decay and infections, just like a human. Read on for more information about oral health and your dog, and what you can do.

Brush Your Dog's Teeth Weekly

You should be brushing your dog's teeth every week to take care of its oral health. Brush with a canine toothbrush and canine toothpaste, and be sure to take care of your dog's gums as well. Giving your dog treats that are made to improve your dog's oral health can also help your pet. You should also take your dog in for routine cleanings at least once per year to have them professionally cleaned and to look for any oral issues or concerns, such as tooth decay or gum disease.

Pay Attention to Issues

You should be paying close attention to those signs of an oral health issue. Aside from your dog pawing at its mouth, it may have an issue with eating or drinking, or may also whine when you try to touch its mouth. You may also notice issues such as extremely bad breath, or your dog may drool excessively. Your dog may now show interest in playing, especially with tug-o-war, and may also not have any interest in eating treats. If this seems especially unusual, you should take your dog to the veterinarian for an oral health checkup and for treatment options.

If your dog is pawing at its mouth a lot, or you notice any other unusual signs in your dog, you should take it to the veterinarian for a checkup and for treatment. An oral health issue can spread to an issue with your dog's organs if not treated properly, and the results could be deadly. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
