Rattlesnake Vaccines For Dogs: The Facts For Concerned Pet Parents

If you care a lot about your dog, you will make sure they get the vaccinations they need from the time they are a puppy. From distemper and rabies to parvovirus and canine coronavirus, basic immunizations do provide a high level of protection for your pet. However, there is one vaccine that is relatively modern and not one that a lot of pet parents know anything about: the rattlesnake vaccine. If you live in an area where there is a high concentration of rattlesnakes, the worry that your dog could be bitten is always major. Here is a look at some of the things you need to know about the rattlesnake vaccine as a dog owner. 

What exactly is the rattlesnake vaccine for dogs?

The rattlesnake vaccine is designed to protect against the venom of the western diamondback rattlesnake. The vaccine helps the dog develop natural antibodies against the venom, which can be fatal for mammals, including canines. Even though the dog can still have symptoms after having the vaccine and getting bitten by one of these snakes, the symptoms are not usually as severe or painful. 

How effective is the vaccination if a dog gets bitten?

The vaccine can be effective in negating the dangerous and painful side effects in some dogs. The dog may be at less of a risk of sustaining any kind of permanent injury. Nevertheless, it is still important that you get your pet to an emergency veterinarian if they are bitten by a rattlesnake even with the vaccine because the efficacy can range from dog to dog. It is also important that you still take the same precautions when your dog is outdoors and do not let the immunization create a false sense of security.

Do all vets offer the rattlesnake vaccine?

Not all vets offer rattlesnake vaccinations for dogs; you will be more likely to find this vaccine offered if you live in an area where rattlesnakes are an issue because of a high population. It is also worth noting that some veterinarians prefer not to offer the vaccine because it is still relatively new and needs further research for efficacy and safety. If your vet does not offer the vaccine, however, and you do believe that it would be a good thing for your outdoors-roaming dog, talk it over with your vet to determine if the vaccine could be a good idea.
