Getting Your First Dog? Importance Of Dental Cleanings And Veterinarian Examinations

Having a dog can be a lot of fun, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility. Part of this responsibility is giving the dog the care it needs. Doing this will not only allow the dog to be happy but also increase its chances of living a longer life. To help you, below is information about dental cleanings and veterinarian examinations.

Dental Cleanings

Just like yourself, it is important that your dog has dental cleanings. Your veterinarian can tell you how often you need to do this, but it is generally twice a year.

During the teeth cleaning the dog will be put under anesthesia. The dentist will then scrape away plaque from your dog's teeth and under their gums. The veterinarian will also do dental X-rays, remove any infected teeth, and a do thorough inspection of your dog's entire mouth.

If the plaque is not removed, it forms a hard tartar substance. This results in bacteria building up, and over time the bacteria will get under your dog's gums which results in gingivitis. If not taken care of at this point, the gingivitis turns into Periodontal disease. Once this happens, the bacteria destroy the tissue around the tooth or teeth, which results in losing their teeth, having bad breath, and being painful when chewing food. Gingivitis is reversible with a professional dental cleaning, but Periodontal disease is not.

Talk with your veterinarian about what you can do at home to keep your dog's teeth cleaned between dental cleanings.

Veterinarian Exam

Besides dental cleanings, your dog needs regular veterinarian exams. This is important as your dog needs vaccinations to prevent diseases. Some of the vaccinations they will receive include:

  • Parvovirus
  • Distemper
  • Rabies
  • Adenovirus

Other vaccinations your veterinarian may suggest include:

  • Lyme disease
  • Canine influence
  • Bordetella
  • Influenza
  • Adenovirus intranasal

Besides giving the needed vaccinations, the vet will check your dog for worms and if found will deworm them.  The vet will look for roundworms. These worms are long and white, and they absorb important nutrients from your dog's body. These worms are generally found in the intestinal tract.

The vet will also look for hookworms. These worms can be dangerous as they have teeth and can kill a puppy. The hookworms are generally found right under the skin, but they can also get to the lungs and the intestines.  The vet will also take a blood sample to check for heartworms.

Your veterinarian can go over the above information in much more detail and give you other tips on keeping your dog healthy. To learn more about veterinary dermatology and other appointment types, contact your local vet office today.
